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Call for panels

We have received a wonderful response to the Call for Panels, with a large and vibrant set of submissions. However, in order to encourage more diverse and inclusive participation in our global congress by colleagues from the South, we have decided to extend for everyone the Call for Panels to 24 April, 2023. Thank you to those of you who have worked to submit by deadline, and to those of you considering putting together a panel submission – please do so!

Submission Process

The Call for Panels closed on 24 April 2023 and results will be announced before 15 June 2023.

Before proposing a panel, please read about the congress theme and the rules below.

The panel and paper submission process has been designed to build an inclusive and robust conference programme by encouraging conversation and collaboration in framing and formulating sessions. This is a two-stage process, first a call for panels and later a call for papers. All panels must be proposed via the online form and not by email. On the form, proposers will need to enter the following information:

  • the format of the proposal (panel, roundtable, or workshop - see details below);
  • the panel title;
  • names and email addresses of panel convenors (e.g. yourself and your co-convenor/s);
  • a very short abstract (blurb), under 300 characters;
  • a longer abstract (description), under 250 words.

You may also add names of any chairs/discussants, athough these can also be added subsequently to the process as and when, by emailing the admin team.

All proposed panels will be reviewed and evaluated by the Programme (e.g. Scientific) Committee, after which point the selected panels will be announced and the Call for Papers will be published on 15 June.

Formats: panels, roundtables, workshops

While traditional academic panels are an acceptable and expected component of WCEH4, the Programme Committee strongly encourages proposals of alternative formats to engage better with the congress theme this year. The three possibilities for submission formats are:

  • Traditional panels: these can have up to five paper presentations per one 105-minute session, with up to two sessions allowable (max. 10 papers).
  • Roundtables: here a group of scholars (usually no more than five) discusses themes/issues of general scholarly interest in front of (and subsequently with) an audience for the duration of a single 105-minute session. While a roundtable can include short (5-10 minute) contributions, the aim is to create a lively debate rather than focus on any one presenter. You may list/name contributors in your long abstract, or may leave the list open and take in 'contribution' proposals during the call for papers, selecting five of those to be in the roundtable.
  • Workshops: conceptualised as practical events containing collective research activities, guided interactions and free-format exchanges leading to specific public outputs. A workshop may have up to two 105-minute sessions. They may include elements of performance, various collective activities, exhibitions, or interactive media displays, or innovative formats such as mobile (e.g. walking or outdoors) panels, laboratories, skills workshops, and open discussion forums. Proposals must list the practical requirements of the workshop at the end of the long abstract, such as specifications for required space, materials, maximum number of participants, etc.


  • All panels should have (at least) two convenors. Two of the convenors should be from two different institutions and/or countries so as to encourage intellectual exchange and cross-fertilization.
  • WCEH4 requires all accepted panels to be open to paper proposals through the online form during the Call for Papers: panels should not be organised as 'closed' sessions.
  • Session length will be 105 minutes for panels, workshops, roundtables and combined formats. Each traditional panel may accept a maximum of ten papers over two sessions. No panel or workshop may run for more than two sessions of 105 minutes, and roundtables will run for a single 105-minute session.
  • An individual may hold each conference role only once during the conference: i.e. convene a panel OR a workshop OR a roundtable OR a combined format once; present a paper or a poster once; be a discussant once (either as a roundtable participant or a discussant in a workshop or a traditional panel or a combined format); be a chair once (in any of the formats).
  • While adherence to the conference theme is not the main criteria for panel selection, WCEH encourages conveners (those proposing/organising a panel) to make an effort to address the concepts, questions and provocations outlined in the theme description.
  • Each proposed panel should strive to demonstrate diversity in gender, race, and geographical origin/location of participants, as well as in methodology and approach. We look forward to supporting a diverse, lively and intellectually exciting conference that will appeal to a wide variety of disciplinary, methodological, philosophical, topical and geographical interests.

Congress format and timetable

The programme for WCEH4 will run over five full days, and will include a series of invited keynotes, plenary panels, workshops, and parallel panel sessions. The congress will take place in situ in Oulu, but will be organised with hybrid technologies so that those unable to travel to Oulu will still have the opportunity to participate in panel sessions and plenaries. Panels may be organised either in situ (in Oulu), online (via remote connection) or as hybrid events, but format does not need to be decided on at the Call for Panels stage.

Poster Sessions

The poster sessions are meant to provide everyone with the opportunity of presenting their work, without overburdening the programme, and will accommodate those who do not wish to present orally. Posters must conform to the same basic requirements as outlined for the panel sessions. Posters will be on display throughout the Congress, with dedicated slots when poster presenters will be available at their respective display to discuss their topic with colleagues. Junior scholars are especially encouraged to participate with a poster presentation. The call for posters will open with the call for papers (15 June 2023).

University of Oulu
Bioverse Anthropocenes